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Credit List
Harriet has over three decades of experience in casting.
For the most up-to-date list of her credits, visit IMDB by clicking the button below.
“I have been working with Harriet for several years on audition scripts and comedic timing. Gosh, to simply say I have learned a lot from her would be an understatement! Harriet understands comedy deeply and can find the funny in everything. What makes her excellent is her ability to teach it. Harriet is known for her no nonsense performance notes. I love this about her because she gets right to the point, explains it, and then is supportive and patient while I work through it.”

A Guide Book For Young Actors & Their Parents!
Auditionology provides insider information that will demystify the casting process for television and film for young actors and their parents.
Includes material that Harriet usually only reveals in her workshops and private coaching sessions!